I'm New

What To Expect


A typical service will last about 70 minutes. When you walk in the door, you'll see big letters on the wall that say "Welcome Home". You can go there to find information on things happening at the church. 

Check in your kids

You'll see several kids check in stations. If you want to take advantage of our kid's programs at the church, walk up to one of the iPads. There will be a volunteer there to help you check in.


The breaking of bread, or communion, is an essential focus of our church. When we take communion, we remember what Jesus has done and proclaim His death and grace over our lives until He comes back. We take communion every Sunday. You'll find individually packaged communion cups on your way into the auditorium.


We sing mostly contemporary songs but mix in some older songs and hymns as well. You can feel free to worship God in any way you feel comfortable, whether that means sitting on the back row with your head bowed or standing with your hands raised!


The message usually lasts between 35-45 minutes. We believe that one of the most vital aspects of the Christian life is to truly understand what the Bible says and then apply it to your life. We go through Scripture book by book, verse by verse, making it a point not to skip over the hard parts. Come ready to hear a message that is gospel centered and rooted in understanding and applying God's Word.


Before and after the service, make it a point to meet some new people or visit with some people you know. Our Sunday morning services are an opportunity for fellowship!

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When we Meet

Sunday Mornings

9:30 am and 11:00 am

Connection Card

If you are interested in getting more connected to the church, fill out our connection card by clicking here and we will help you get plugged in.